Thomas A.Schmitz wrote:
True, but that's not what mtexmfstart.pdf says...

if one uses texmfstart, you only need to set the permission of texmfstart in the bin path; nowadays, my calls to script in the bin paths look like:

texexec ->

texmfstart $@

that way i'm independent of anything funny that will happen with kpsewhich (since i only need to adapt texmfstart); think of recent changes in the script path and scriptpath location method;

btw, you can use texmfstart for more things, like

  texmfstart --direct scite kpse:texmf.cnf

this will launch scite and open the texmf.cnf file used by your current installation.

version  : 1.5.2 - 2003/2004 -

usage    : texmfstart [switches] filename [optional arguments]

switches : --verbose --report --browser --direct --execute --locate
           --program --file   --page    --arguments
           --make    --lmake  --wmake

example  : texmfstart pstopdf.rb cow.eps
           texmfstart --locate examplex.rb
           texmfstart --execute examplex.rb
           texmfstart --browser examplap.pdf
           texmfstart showcase.pdf
           texmfstart --page=2 --file=showcase.pdf
           texmfstart --program=yourtex arg-1 arg-2
           texmfstart --direct xsltproc kpse:somefile.xsl somefile.xml
           texmfstart bin:xsltproc kpse:somefile.xsl somefile.xml
           texmfstart --iftouched=normal,lowres downsample.rb normal lowres


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