Randall Skelton wrote:
Use textcommand only for text, numbercommand only for number,
command for both;
you can see some examples in section    Variations in titles .

Thanks for the reply.

The problem with separating the text and number is that the space
separating the text and number still appears in the chapter text.  On
a similar note, why doesn't  'show makeup' display the right margin

May be I do not understand you but you introduce spaces yourself in your \My... Write % at the end of lines as shown:

\inright{\begingroup \midaligned{#1}

\begingroup \leftaligned{#1}

Depends in which mode (horizontal, vertical) your code occures. (If \midaligned expands to \ignorespaces at the end then % is not needed there.)


\setuphead [Topic, chapter] [numbercommand=\MyChapterNumberText, textcommand=\MyChapterText, numberstyle={\switchtobodyfont[48pt]}, textstyle={\switchtobodyfont[12pt]}, color=black, number=yes, page=right, continue=no, header=empty, before=\vbox to 3cm\bgroup, after=\vss\egroup]



\chapter{This is a Chapter Title}
\input tufte

\section{This is a section title}
\input tufte \par \input knuth \par

\subsection{This is a sub-section title}
\input tufte \par \input knuth \par

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