>===== Original Message From Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
> \starttext
>> \startbuffer[tufte]
>> \input tufte
>> \stopbuffer
>> \startbuffer[knuth]
>> \input knuth
>> \stopbuffer
>> \dorecurse{100}{test \footnote{\typebuffer[knuth]} \endnote{eee}\endgraf}
>it's \getbuffer else you indeed get a verbatim buffer (which is what type 
>\dorecurse{100}{test \footnote{\input knuth } \endnote{eee}\endgraf}

So \endgraf (or \par) is needed here; I should have guessed-)

>also works; put a space or \relax after \input, else tex keeps scanning;
>alternatively use \ReadFile{knuth} or \readfile{knuth}{}{}

I definitely prefer the \ReadFile option. I could not find it (or 
\readfile{}{}{}) in ConTeXt Commands or texshow; must be new...

What's the difference between these two commands?

Also: given the ConTeXt philosophy, shouldn't there be a non-cryptic 
replacement for \par or \endgraf, something like \paragraph or \endparagraph?


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

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