Le 13 mai 05 à 16:16, Maurice Diamantini a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

I'm using amsl module, but it seems there is a probleme
with the startarray/stoparray environment which apear with the "t"
type of column (t for text) and the \\
So the basic cases commande doesn't work.

Thanks to Otared Kavian, things are OK now ;-)

There are still pb with the behavior of \\ which should be replaced
with \cr, and (variants of) \startcases which are not consistents
with the cases{} tex command.
But here are some samples of way to use \startarray and some \cases{}

The few things I'll try to remember are:
- TeX is your friend (don't think in LaTeX)
e.g. \matrix command is is a core usefull command, \cr instead of \\, ...
- \startarray could be the more powerfull ConTeXt command about mathematiques
can be (and is) use to build some other commands
- but this later command seems to not be embedable in another \startarray command
and lacks of some documentations (exemples on how to ajust spaces, ...)

Also is there a mean (a wiki page?) where to start building a collection of
mathematics exemples using ConTeXt ?

- home to print the doc in newmat.tex ?

-- Maurice Diamantini


   % header=2.0cm,
   % footer=1.0cm,
   % margin=1.2cm,
   % margindistance=3mm,  % defaut = 5mm

% \usemodule[nath]

% Utilisation de startarray/stoparray (t-amsl.tex version 2004.11.18)
%  \startarray{xx...} ou { | x | x | ... |}
%    aaa & bbb & ccc \\
%    aaa & bbb & ccc \\
%    aaa & bbb & ccc
%  \stoparray
%  \startarray{xx...} ou { | x | x | ... |}
%    aaa & bbb & ccc \cr
%    aaa & bbb & ccc \cr
%    aaa & bbb & ccc \cr
%  \stoparray
% Le prÈambule {xxx...} :
% ----------------------
%     lrc = left, right, center
%     d => left avec \displaymath
%     t => left en texte (dans \text{...})
%     On peut compenser l'effet de l ou r par \hfil
%     ou inverser cet effet par \hfill
% Les variantes de cases utilisent un array prÈcÈdÈs d'une accolade
%   \startcases utilise  startarray{ll}
%   \startbigcases utilise  startarray{dl}
% mais
%   \cases{...} utilise  startarray{lt}
% BUG de array ?
%   le caractere t (text) semble ne pas fonctionner !
%   NON, mais il faut utiliser \cr au lieu de \\ en fin de ligne
%   et ne pas oublier le dernier \cp de la dernËre ligne !!

\section{Example of \type{\case} with or without \type{\displaystyle}}

\subsection{Without \type{\displaystyle}}
    {\bf f(x)} =
        \sum_{x=1}^n x  &       if I am true     \cr
        \sum_{x=1}^n y  & \quad if I am false    \cr
         0              & \quad if I don't know  \cr

\subsection{With \type{\displaystyle}}
    {\bf f(x)} =
        \sum_{x=1}^n x   &       if I am true     \cr
        \sum_{x=1}^n y   & \quad if I am false    \cr
        0                & \quad if I don't know  \cr

\section{Example of \type{\startbigcases} with or without strut}
\subsection{Using \type{\startbigcases}}

Note the needed of \type{\text} as \type{\startbigcases} behavior
isn't the sames as \type{\cases}.

    {\bf f(x)} =
        \sum_{x=1}^n x   &  \quad\text{if I am true}    \cr
        \sum_{x=0}^n y   &  \quad\text{if I don't know} \cr
        0                &  \quad\text{if I am false}   \cr

\subsection{Adding \type{\strut} to make the vertical spacing better}

Note the needed of \type{\text} as \type{\startbigcases} behavior
isn't the sames as \type{\cases}.

\def\STR{\vrule height3.5ex depth1ex width0pt}
    {\bf f(x)} =
        \sum_{x=1}^n x   &  if I am true                \cr
        \sum_{x=0}^n y   &  \quad\text{if I don't know} \cr
        \STR 0           &  \text{if I am false}        \cr

\section{Standard use of \type{\startarray}}
% \setuptyping[style=\small] % give bad results ! (no more typing font)
    {\bf e_u(t)} =
    \startarray{dllt}% ou bien : \startarray{| d | l | r | l}
            \sum_{x=1}^n f(x)
            & = ax^2 + b.x + c
            & = a
            &  \quad here some text
            y^2 + z
            & = 3ax^3 + 3ax^2 + b.x + c
            & = \hfill b
            & = \hfil y_i
            & = a + b
            &  \quad encore du $(x^2)$ texte

\section{Combining arrays}

Array inside array doesn't seem to work. On should use \type{matrix}
from \TeX{} for this purpose.

\def\TMPSTRUT{{\vrule height3ex depth2ex width0pt}}
         \tx p_u(t)  \in {\cal P}_u       \hfill \cr
         \tx u       \in U                \hfill \cr
    {\bf e_u(t)} =
            \sum_{\TMP}^n f(x)
            & = ax^2 + b.x + c
            & = a
            &  \quad here some text
            y^2 + z
            & = 3ax^3 + 3ax^2 + b.x + c
            & = \hfill b
            & = \hfil y_i
            & = a + b
            &  \quad encore du $(x^2)$ texte



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