Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

 > Hi,
 > it would be great if the \placefigure macro could be extended to
 > combinations like
 > \placefigure{top,left}
 > or
 > \placefigure{bottom,outer}
 > The reason for this request is that we use ConTeXt a lot for
 > typesetting books from "arts and humanities".
 > There we often have to place a lot of (more then 100) figures at
 > "fixed" positions like top-outer and bottom-inner, wrapped by text.
 > I guess it's not a trivial feature to be implemented in TeX's
 > paragraph processing, but I know it might be worth the effort:
 > ConTeXt's way to deal with fonts and text is so superior that it
 > should be also accessible for disciplines that besides text also rely
 > on images - as the arts and humanities do.

not trivial indeed, although it is more or less doable when you accept some limitations, e.g. if you have only text and graphics, use a grid, and have no other tricky stuff that can interfere (display math or so)

 > ok, agreed!
 > But figure labels are needed (do they interfere?)

 figure labels are part of the float


so, if it's more or less doable ... there is at least hope that we can expect this feature in the next time, right?

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