Hans Hagen wrote:
Vit Zyka wrote:

Hello Hans, Taco, and the next gurus,

sorry for bother with another thing I can not understand. Very high glyphs like \v S disturb grid in the \placelist. The same glyph in the common paragraph with the same (intentionally) interline setting preserves grid:


\writetolist[section]{}{See the next line:}
\writetolist[section]{}{\v Sejba}
\writetolist[section]{}{Another list line}

\v Sejba\par
Here grid is OK, but in \type{placelist}:


I was looking in definitions for some font-size dependent line setting, I also tried to
but without success to lounging on the grid.

this is the default ratio:


Thank you Hans; after some experimenting I understood:
- height and depth in \setupinterlinespace are baseline-ratio/size of struts (add description to tex-show)
- some my chars (/,\v S, \tfa, ...) oversized \strut size of any ratio
- list items are typeset with struts (perhaps all alternative)
- only alternative without strut is 'none' with command=\Mycommand def

So I do know how to preserve grid. But I do not know HOW TO TYPESET \Mycommand TO FIT THE PARAGRAPH WIDTH. It seem it is not in the restricted horizontal mode and continue on one long line. And another question/request: can the list distance param (alternative d,...) be glue instead of skip? For better line fitting.


\def\MyListItem#1#2#3{{\tfb (#1-#2-#3) }}

\writetolist[section]{}{See the next line}
\writetolist[section]{}{\v Sejba}
\writetolist[section]{}{Another list line}
\writetolist[section]{}{And the last one}

Anothet line of \v Sejba\par


\strut  %% should be! why?
After list line.


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