On Aug 19, 2005, at 4:14 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

i dunno about updmap, never used it; currently i load map files automatically in dvipdfmx (i could get the mapline special working)

i didn't know the exact dvipdfmx mapfile syntax -)

we can add a slant as follows:

encoding = if line =~ /([a-z0-9\-]+)\.enc/io then $1 else '' end fontfile = if line =~ /([a-z0-9\-]+)\.(pfb|ttf)/io then $1 else nil end metrics = if line =~ /^([a-z0-9\-]+)[\s\<]+/io then $1 else nil end slant = if line =~ /\"([\d\.]+)\s+SlantFont\"/io then "-s "# {$1}" else '' end

if metrics && encoding && fontfile then
 n += 1
 "#{metrics} #{encoding} #{fontfile} #{slant}"

My ctxtools.rb does not have the line for slant. Just three lines for
encoding, fontfile, and metrics. The version is 1.2.2. (Jul 29)

Have you updated ctxtools.rb recently?

Best, ChoF.
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