Mojca Miklavec wrote:

Thanks a lot for the module! I didn't manage yet to make it work
properly, but it's promising.

Just a note: calling "epstopdf" is pretty optimistic, I'm affraid that
even on linux systems this command is not always present or at least
it has some other name. I don't know about other versions, but under
windows lilypond has gs "built in" and can already output pdf files
(besides the fact that they can perhaps already be included in ConTeXt
out-of-the-box, I don't know). If I delete "-b eps --ps" in
Christopher's module, it complains about "The postscript backend does
not support the 'classic' framework", whatever this means. I have no
experiences with lilypond, but this message does not occur when
processing other lilypond files.
context ships with pdftops (or better use the the updatex version, called 

probably few know, but texutil has functionality similar to epstopdf (which is a trick sebastian rahtz posted to the pdftex list in the early days of pdftex); the texutil variant does a few more things (like removing interfering crap in the ps file) and the stand alone ruby variants know a few more tricks. Hans

                                         Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
             Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
    tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

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