On 4/27/2023 2:50 AM, lynx--- via ntg-context wrote:
Re: performing update(s)

New to conTeXt, have not performed a specific update prior to this.

My conTeXt installation is part of TeXlive-2023 (under Linux OS). Will the updates to ConTeXt be handled by tlmgr ?
Basically tex live is the yearly snapshot. I actually dont' know the rules for updating texlive but there are definitely updates. But as much relates there (like engines shared between macro packages) it can be that only macros get updated and not engines (also relates to multiple platforms) so fundamental changes to luatex as engine .. hard to predict.

But you can just install the lmtx installation alongside (it's small compared to tex live) and have the best of both worlds. The lmtx installation also has mkiv. It also comes with the fonts that match what we expect in context (as fonts get updated or changed).


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
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