
Using the 'backspace' key worked for setting up equal margins for my downloadable version.

I created a mode for printing where I used the following values:


    rightmargin=52pt, leftmargin=52pt,

    backspace=16pt, ...]

Unfortunately the text width is not equal to 312pt as in hte downloadable version.

I used these values since I infered that we have:

** left and righ margins on the sides of text,

** backspace which is an additional space in the gutter.

Following the setup I described in the printable version I would get or I at least wanted:

52pt outer margins and 68pt inner margins.

Is my reasoning correct or I am missing something?

Thank you for explanation. I keep asking for I want to fix my layout and there may be others who may find it useful in the future.

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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