Xavier B. schrieb am 22.08.2023 um 19:32:

I have a long document 
 which I migrated from MKIV to LMTX version of ConTeXt. As Wolfgang recommened. 
I migrated old syntax to new one and replace \page[yes] before each section to

\setupheads[section][style={\bf \ssc}, alternative=margin, page=yes]

but now after each section there is a new page.

Why? I don't know.
Can someone help me to see what happens?

The source code is here [https://repo.or.cz/apunts-espa-matematiques.git]

You're using the structure for section of the following example in your document. This is a problem because subjects are the same level as section or to be precise, subjects are unnumbered versions
of sections and inherit all settings from them unless configured otherwise.

While the solution here is to convert all subject headings to subsubject (be sure to also take care of even lower section) a quick way to fix the page break is to disable the page-value for subject,
look at the commented line in the example how this can be done.

%%%% begin example



\startsubject [title=Subject]



%%%% end example

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wiki     : https://contextgarden.net

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