Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:

Does MetaFun provide some macro to draw oriented paths? I
would like it to basically add a small arrow *in the middle*
of the path? Such a macro

draworiented somepath somespecs ;

would have to act like

drawarrow firsthalf(somepath) somespecs ;
draw secondhalf(somepath) somespecs ;

Is it available already, or should I roll my own?

Hm. I came up with

def draworiented expr c =
 path _c_ ; _c_ := c ;
enddef ;

def do_draworiented text t =
 draw _c_ t ;
 drawarrow subpath(0, length(_c_)/2) of _c_ ;

which works, although I have to do

draworiented (reverse p1)

Is there an easy way to have it work with

draworiented reverse p1 ?

add another step (do_do_) , first pick up 'reverse p1' as expression, save that in a path variable, and then pick up the text


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