"Idris Samawi Hamid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 | Hi Leon,
 | In general, I think there can be no doubt that ConTeXt is much more
 | flexible than LaTeX for book writing, although the latter is far more
 | well-known. LaTeX has a package, memoir, that makes LaTeX much better for
 | book writing, but I still prefer ConTeXt because of its much more
 | integrated and consistent user interface overall.
 | As for documentation, start here:
 | http://www.pragma-ade.com/show-man-1.htm
 | BTW: I mainly typeset books and journals, came from LaTeX, and will never
 | go back if I can help it...
 | Best
 | Idris

Hi Idris,

Many thanks for this information. I'm considering using ConTeXt. Can I
just follow here a quick question for you:

What editor do you use for editing conTeXt file? I've been using auctex
with emacs for editting latex files?

Thanks again.

.     *                               . 
.    /.\        Merry Christmas       . 
.   /..'\                             . 
.   /'.'\                  -- Leon    . 
.  /.''.'\                            . 
.  /.'.'.\                            . 
. /'.''.'.\                           . 
. ^^^[_]^^^                           . 

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