--- Begin Message ---
David Arnold wrote:

1. I need to number consecutive exercises.

2. I need a way of coding the exercise questions and keeping the solution together with the exercise source, but hidden for later use in another part of the document. I'm not sure how to plan for this future event.

something to play with





\input tufte

Whatever needs to be exercised.

No answer.


\input tufte

Whatever more needs to be exercised.

Again no answer.



% \useblocks[question,answer]


there are quite some ways to tag and filter such blocks (see manual)

beware: \begin... and \end... should start at column 1 of a line (like buffers and display verbatim)

3. I need a way of switching between double column to single column.

bla bla


bla bla


bla bla

--- End Message ---
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