Aditya Mahajan wrote:

I had a similar problem. I needed cygwin ruby because there are certain ruby packages (e.g. narray) that I could get to work with cygwin ruby without any hassle but do not work with the ruby one click installer. But cygwin ruby and context do not go together. I was actually following your thread on comp.lang.ruby hoping that someone will come up with a solution, but no suggestion worked. What I finally did was, download and install the one click installer, but removed it from the PATH. So when I am working on other projects, I get the cygwin ruby which works fine. I added a line to setuptex.bat that adds the one-click windows ruby to the front of the path. So when a context program asks for a ruby, it gets the windows version and everything works fine. The only drawback is that I can not use rxvt+bash, and have to use cmd.exe

why the one-click installer, just take the 2-4 meg version compiled with the native ms compiler; that's the one i use and it works perfectly (for years now)

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