<--- On Jan 28, Taco Hoekwater wrote --->

> Aditya Mahajan wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   What is the context equivalent of latex's substack? How do I type the
>> following
>> $$
>> \sum_{\substack i \in P \\ j \in Q} a_{ij}
>> $$
> Where is that defined? LateX gives me and 'Undefined control sequence',
> and with \usepackage{amsmath} I get no error, but not a stack either.

This is defined in amsmath. Sorry, I made a mistake in typing. It
should be

\sum_{\substack{ a \\ b}} c

> The definition from m-newmat is at least partly superceded by the
> new core math definitions Hans added last week, so a new implementation
> would be better.

Can you suggest something?

Aditya Mahajan, EECS Systems, University of Michigan
http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~adityam || Ph: 7342624008
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