Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> Hello,
> The uppercase Greek letters in the following example don't work since
> the letters are taken from ec encoding, while the default TeX encoding
> is assumed in the definitions of Phi, Psi, ... ("mr", math roman font)
> Any suggestions how to fix this strange behaviour?
> \starttypescript [something] [ec,texnansi]
>   \definetypeface [somename] [rm] [serif] [modern] [default]
> [encoding=\typescripttwo]
> \stoptypescript

Hi Mojca,

My rule-of-thumb would be that if you're going to use math in your 
document, you're best off defining something for the [mm] [math] family: ;)

\starttypescript [something] [ec,texnansi]
   \definetypeface [somename] [rm] [serif] [modern] [default]
   \definetypeface [somename] [mm] [math] [modern] [modern]

Hope that helps.

  Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept.     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Lancaster University, InfoLab21        +44(0)1524/510.514
  Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK             Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

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