> [code for text key]
> \setupfloats[numbering=text]

I included the code for numbering=text, to make the tex file below.
Sadly, the figures are numbered 3->1->2 (i.e. as if numbering=nocheck
were given).  I also tried the context live and got the same order.  Am
I doing something silly?


% first a new key

\startconstants            dutch                     english
                           german                    czech
                           italian                   romanian

                 fallback: terugval                  fallback
                           fallback                  fallback
                           fallback                  fallback

% use that key


        \postcenterfloatbox{\wd\floatbox}% else we get left aligned
        %dogetfloatbox{#1}\v!here        % see details/pascal
\dogetfloatbox{#1}{\executeifdefined{\??fl#4\c!fallback}\v!here}% PATCHED

% pass the new location (will be done differently, hack

        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:\to\floatmethod
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] \commalistelement\at:\to\floatcolumn
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] \floatcolumn\at*\to\floatrow
        % todo: nog algemeen otr
     \getvalue{\string\floatmethod\floatmethod}[\floatmethod,#1]% PATCHED

      \doifelse\@@bknumbering\v!text % alternative to yes|page



% we use the marginwidth as criterium



\placefigure[bottom]{1}{} \input tufte
\placefigure[left]{2}{} \input tufte
\placefigure[left]{3}{\framed[width=.9\marginwidth]{}} \input tufte

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