Hi Christian
> I would like to include texmfstart.exe in the MiKTeX distribution, but I 
> don't know how to build texmfstart.exe. Is there a simple recipe 
> (Makefile) I can start with?
I'm switching from perl to ruby, so texmfstart is a ruby script. Say that the 
next code is put in ruby2exe.cmd, then i can make a binary with:

ruby2exe texmfstart 

which comes down to packaging the needed libraries + ruby core into an 'exe'. 
It uses exerb.  

@echo off

if exist "%~n1.rb" goto run

goto usage


set exerbrubypath=c:\data\system\ruby.1.8.2

%exerbrubypath%\bin\ruby.exe  -r exerb/mkexr %~n1.rb %2
%exerbrubypath%\bin\exerb.exe -v -C %exerbrubypath%\share\exerb\ruby182c.exc 
del /q %~n1.exr %~n1.mak

goto end


echo usage: ruby2exe filename


the rest of the programs, like texexec, will be started using texmfstart then 
(which assumes ruby to be present on the system; if not, then one needs to make 
texexec into an exe as well; there is a list of stubs in the latest context 
distribution (scripts/context/stubs/...); not all of them are needed, e.g. 
texutil is now integrated into texexec) 

i use common libraries to figure out the paths, and i hope that i did the 
miktex handling right; (i'd like to test miktex using my own trees, but it's 
kind of hard to set the additional trees that i use); anyhow, in the ruby 
variants it's more easy for me to handle miktex; for the moment it assumes 
kpsewhich to be present, but i can as well call another database program) 


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
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     tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
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