On Jul 14, 2006, at 15:57, Taco Hoekwater wrote:

> Hans van der Meer wrote:
>> Therefore I conclude to the following: on inspecting the next
>> character with "\doifnextcharelse[%" the character which is compared
>> is the &.
> It is more technically correct to say that the \doifnextcharelse
> compares the first token of the expansion of '&' with the second
> token of the expansion of '&'. Down this road awaits madness.

Indeed, that is certainly more correct.

> In general, you can not intermix optional arguments and active
> characters, you need to have at least one non-active non-space
> token to break off the search in a reliable manner.
> Simply adding a \relax statement sounds like the simplest solution.

Yes, I found that out already, even something like {} does the trick.  
But stubborn as I sometimes may be, I first tried to find a solution  
within the macro definition, that does not depend on the data processed.
>> Being not equal to [ it is given back but -- if I remember
>> well -- there can be a catcode problem. I guess & still functions as
>> separator in the \halign template but no longer functions as a macro,
>> as it should in my code.
>> There might be no solution for this within TeX's limitations. But
>> maybe you can confirm cq. deny that from your knowledge of TeX (which
>> certainly is greater than mine).
> There is a chance that there is a hackish way around this
> limitiation for some very specific cases, but i cannot
> tell without the actual code you use.

I will privately mail a copy of my file. It is fairly extensively  
commented. But not yet a finished product though. However, very  
hackish doesn't foretells much good. I certainly am able to  
acknowdledge defeat if it faces me so strongly as is the case here.
> Taco
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Hans van der Meer

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