
I have an error here:


\startuniqueMPgraphic{demo circle}
path p;
p:=fullcircle xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight;
fill p with color .85whwite;
draw p withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor .625red;

\defineoverlay[demo circle][\uniqueMPgraphic{demo circle}]


   \input tufte

   \framed[background=demo circle]{This text is overlayed.}

   \input tufte


When I press "e" at the question prompt when the compiles stop, vi  
opens the file and deposits me at the end of this  
file. What I'd rather have is to be taken to the line in overlay.tex  
in bbedit.

I tried this in my .bash_profile:

export TEXEDIT="bbedit +%d %s"

To no avail. Any other Mac users on this list have bbedit set up  
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