On Mon, 11 Sep 2006, Hans Hagen wrote:
> ...\usr\local\context\goodies\bin
> has unzip

Not in my Windows standalone distros. :-(
The one at work is about a month old, the one at home just a week old, my 
older CD version is from April, but it's the same with all of them: in 
../usr/local/context/ the folders goodies, gs, perl, ruby and xmlib are 
empty. Ergo, the stand-alone for Windows doesn't seem to contain unzip.exe 
and thus the excellent context update feature won't work without 

[I know, I know, I'm being a pain in the *. But the standalone is so close 
to being accessible to the fairly average Windows user and still so far in 
these little things...]

(who *has* to stick with Windows at work anyway)
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