On Sat, 7 Oct 2006, Pepe Barbe wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I have 14 graphs that I want to arrange in a single page. I've found
> the best wat to do that is with a 3 by 5 combination. Yet, it would
> look better if I had a 3 by 4 combination and a 2 by 1 centered
> underneath the preveious. Is there some simple way to do that?

Not that I know of. It may be possible to expand \start stop 
combination to work with

\startcombination[3*4,2*1] but then you will have to count on your 

Perhaps, you can define (untested)

\def\resetcombination{\stopcomination\startcombination} and then


> Also, a while ago I asked about the font size of the captions in the
> combinations, which wasn't being respected in Math mode. I've tried in
> the latest beta and the problem persists. Any ideas?

The problem, if any, is with \tfx. This demonstrates it

\tfx Test $Test$

Perhaps a cleaner way to do this is

\switchtobodyfont[small] Test $Test$

I do not know why is this not equivalent to

\small Test $Test$

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