Hello everyone,

Thanks for suggesting some great documents last time. But after
looking up in AcroJS Guide, and PDF Reference , etc., I still don't
know how can I use special fonts in a JavaScript field.

My JS code is:
  function start_clock()
{ var thetime=new Date();
  var nhours=thetime.getHours();
  var nmins=thetime.getMinutes();
  var nsecn=thetime.getSeconds();
  if (nhours<0)   nhours="0"+nhours;
  if (nsecn<10)   nsecn="0"+nsecn;
  if (nmins<10)   nmins="0"+nmins;
  font.Digital = font.CourBI ;
  vv = this.getField("time.clock") ;
  if (vv) { vv.value = nhours+":"+nmins+":"+nsecn;
  vv.readonly = true ;
  vv.textColor = color.red ;
  vv.textFont = font.Digital ; // font.TimesBI Cour HelvB Symbol ZapfD
  this.dirty = false }}


I guess there are already some definitions about ``font.CourBI'' but
where can I find the original code of the definition which I can
imitate it to create a new font.


Sincerely yours,

          Zhi-chu Chen | Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility
         No. 2019 | Jialuo Rd. | Jiading | Shanghai | P.R. China
             tel: 086 21 5955 3405 | zhichu.chen.googlepages.com
                                               | www.sinap.ac.cn
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