Hi all!

On Fre, 22 Dez 2006, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
> What are the differences between ConTeXt and LaTeX? 
> http://wiki.contextgarden.net/FAQ#What_are_the_differences_between_ConTeXt_and_LaTeX.3F

Thanks I included some text from it into the control file, ie
Description: powerful TeX format.
 ConTeXt is a typographical engine written in the typographical computer 
 language TeX. ConTeXt provides you with a convenient way to encode documents 
 in a structured way and to typeset these documents in various ways on paper, 
 computer screen or web site.
 The main difference between ConTeXt and LaTeX lies in the fact that LaTeX
 was created with the idea of separating content and presentation to such 
 an extent that the typical author would write their content and then use 
 a style file created by someone else to provide the visual presentation.
 ConTeXt, on the other hand, retained the idea of separating content and
 presentation, but was created with the idea of being used for books, where
 each book tends to have a different layout, and so the expected "end user" is
 the person doing all the layout. Thus, it's designed to provide a vast amount
 of flexibility for layout in a way that can be fairly easily defined without
 needing to write a package
 This package also contains MetaFun. MetaFun (a superset of well known 
 MetaPost) is a powerful system for vector graphics that is fully integrated
 into ConTeXt, but also usable as a stand alone product. 
 MetaFun is not for interactive drawing applications and not for free hand 
 drawings. Its strength lies in the ability to enhance the document layout
 with highly accurate graphic elements.

If someone wants to improve it ...

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                    Università di Siena
Debian Developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                         Debian TeX Group
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