
I wanted to keep Aditya busy now that he finished his wonderful new
module ;), so ...

I first wanted to ask how to number subformulas in a certain way, but
that I figured out that numbering is already causing some problems on
its own.

Consider the following examples:


This is almost OK, but has one formula number too much here:

          a & =b
        & A & =B \\
          c & =d
        & C & =D \\

This results in a very weird formula numbering

        \NC a \NC =b
        \NC A \NC =B \NR
        \NC c \NC =d
        \NC C \NC =D \NR

Adding [+] helps, but than we have the same problem as at the beginning:

        \NC a \NC =b
        \NC A \NC =B \NR[+]
        \NC c \NC =d
        \NC C \NC =D \NR[+]

Without placeforumla, but with [+] we don't get any numbering at all:

        \NC a \NC =b
        \NC A \NC =B \NR[+]
        \NC c \NC =d
        \NC C \NC =D \NR[+]


CtxTools | context version: 2006.12.27 11:34
(After running "ctxtools --update" I just managed to break everything.)

Any clue?

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