Dear ConTeXt users,

I am making a presentation using ConTeXt, and wish to use some plain
images. I am running into some trouble, especially with the background
colour of the image, which I wish to force. Here is some information:

1. I make the image using Dia, and export it.
2. I include the EPS directly, and Acrobat doesn't like it.
3. I epstopdf the images, they come otu well, except that they are
   transparent and the images with black text and lines looks bad on
   my dark background presentation.

I partially worked around the problem by using background=screen in my
\useexternalfigure calls. However, I have a combination image, where
the second image comes without the white filled background.

Could you please tell me a way to force the background colour of my
images to white? I really don't want to convert it to PNG or
something, since PNG doesn't look nice after scaling, does it? :-)

Thanks in advance.

And FYI:

Version: Debian package:
CtxTools | context version: 2007.04.17 12:51 
CtxTools | context version: 2007.04.17 12:51 

Kumar Appaiah,
458, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036
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