On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 17:29:42 -0700, Jesse Alama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Something like the following
>> \usetypescript[modern-base][texnansi]  % a simplified latin-modern
>> typescript
>> \usetypescript [map]   [latin-modern-os] [texnansi]
>> \setupbodyfont[reset]
>> \setupbodyfont[modern,11pt]
>> used to work in mkii (pdftex + context) but I don't know if it still  
>> does
>> -- mkii support for oldstyle has not been a stable feature (due to the
>> changes from cm to lm): I had to recalibrate every couple of years or  
>> so.
>> So try and see.
> It looks like this is more complicated than I thought.  What would I do
> if I wanted old-style numerals just for a table of contents?  Currently,
> my table of contents is set up like so:
>   \setupcombinedlist[content][alternative=c,numberstyle={\os},pagestyle={\os}]
> This produces the triangles for periods, and I think I understand why
> that is so.  What value should go in for the numberstyle key to enable
> old-style numerals just for the table of contents?

In that case you'll have to switch fonts for the TOC. So you still need to  
have a font setup that supports os, then switch to that font for the TOC.  
For example, if you can define a latin modern typeface that uses the  
oldstyle numerals, then \switchtotypeface[my-lm] in your TOC setup.

As I mentioned before I'm not sure what the present protocol is for  
setting up an oldstyle LM typeface in mkii. Basically you want something  

\starttypescript [LModern-OS]

\definetypeface [lmodern-os] [rm] [serif] [lmodern-os]  [latin-modern-os]  

but maybe someone on the list knows the exact protocol. Then you can do  
\usetypescript[LModern-OS] in your preamble and  
\switchtotypeface[lmodern-os] where you need it.

Once the final move to mkiv is made this will all be much easier...

Best wishes

Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief
International Journal of Shi`i Studies
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

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