Khaled Hosny wrote:
On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 07:20:48PM +0530, Derek CORDEIRO wrote:

I have downloaded and installed the typescripts from http://

In myTeX file, I have at the beginning of the file:


The following is a part of the context output.

) (/home/derek/context/tex/texmf-local/tex/context/third/typescripts/
type-linuxlibertine.tex (/home/derek/context/tex/texmf-local/tex/context/third/
fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix otf
fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix OTF
fontnames | 161 tree files identified, 161 hash entries added, runtime 0.244
fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix ttf
fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix TTF
fontnames | 5 tree files identified, 5 hash entries added, runtime 0.215
fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix ttc
fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix TTC
fontnames | 0 tree files identified, 0 hash entries added, runtime 0.208
fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix afm
fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix AFM
fontnames | 76 tree files identified, 65 hash entries added, runtime 0.336
fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix otf
fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix OTF
fontnames | 0 system files identified, 0 hash entries added, runtime 0.000
fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix ttf
fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix TTF
fontnames | 0 system files identified, 0 hash entries added, runtime 0.000
fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix ttc
fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix TTC
fontnames | 0 system files identified, 0 hash entries added, runtime 0.000
fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix afm
fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix AFM
fontnames | 0 system files identified, 0 hash entries added, runtime 0.000
define font | font with name Linux Libertine O is not found
define font | unknown font Linux Libertine O, loading aborted
define font | unable to define Linux Libertine O as \*linuxlibertine12ptrmtf*

Output of the command «fc-list | grep "Linux Libertine"» is as follows

Linux Libertine:style=Bold
Linux Libertine O:style=Bold Italic
Linux Libertine O C:style=Regular
Linux Libertine O:style=Regular
Linux Libertine C:style=Regular
Linux Libertine U:style=Regular
Linux Libertine O:style=Italic
Linux Libertine:style=Italic
Linux Libertine:style=Bold Italic
Linux Libertine O:style=Bold
Linux Libertine:style=Regular

ConTeXt  ver: 2009.07.22 21:46 MKIV  fmt: 2009.7.23  int: english/english

What am I doing wrong?

ConTeXt doesn't use fontconfig for detecting installed fonts, try to set
OSFONTDIR to point where your fonts are, then run:
mtxrun -script fonts -reload

Hans, is it possible to read fontconfig files to detect font directories
on linux, it is xml files and we would be interested in <dir> and
<include> tags only.

it does, given that the file can be found someplace in the tree (i added a log message so that one can see of it is found)

                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
     tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
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