En/na Wolfgang Schuster ha escrit:

Am 16.08.2009 um 14:51 schrieb Xan:


With this code:

{An example of \type{\startcombination...}.}
      {\externalfigure[lb1]} {a1}
      {\externalfigure[lb2]} {a2}
  \stopcombination} {a}
      {\externalfigure[lb1]} {b1}
  \stopcombination} {b}

I get all _left_ aligned (see attached file) and I want normal center aligned.
How can I get this?

   \NC \externalfigure[lb1] \NC \externalfigure[lb2] \NC\NR
   \NC a1                   \NC a1                   \NC\NR
   \NC[nx=2] a                                       \NC\NR
%  \NC[nx=2] \dontleavehmode\externalfigure[lb1]     \NC\NR
%  \NC[nx=2] b1                                      \NC\NR
   \NC \externalfigure[lb1] \NC                      \NC\NR
   \NC b1                   \NC                      \NC\NR
   \NC[nx=2] b                                       \NC\NR


Mmm... for now I think I will use tables ,-)
Thanks a lot, Wolfgang.

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