Dear all,

I need to have a special layout, in which a number (which is not a page number 
nor a section number or such) is printed in big size on the right when the 
pagenumber is even (that is on a leftpage) and printed on the left when the 
pagenumber is odd (that is a rightpage). With the help of examples gleaned here 
and there in the manuals, I came up with the following minimal example:

%%%% begin


% without reset the problem is the same
\setlayer[NumberLeft][preset=lefttop,voffset=45mm,hoffset=25mm,reset] % without 
reset the problem is the same

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Maybe the problem is here?
\setupbackgrounds[leftpage] [background=NumberRight] 
\dorecurse{4}{\myNumber{#1}\input knuth.tex \page}
\dorecurse{4}{\myNumber{#1}\dorecurse{5}{\input knuth.tex }\page}
%%%%% end 

The problem is that in some cases (for instance on pages 2, 3, 4 of the above 
example) the big numbers are overprinted.
In particular the behavior seems not to be the same on all pages, that is after 
the two \dorecurse above.
I guess my lack of knowledge in using and setting layers is the cause, but can 
anyone tell me please what am I doing wrong?
This problem arises in a document in which I have to use mkiv, but in mkii one 
ha the same result.

Thanks in advance and best regards: OK
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