
I am using context to run a metapost graph. I am however unable to insert a label with \frac, since this is not pure Tex but Latex. This seems to be a known problem for metapost: -Seems for metapost only, one should add %&latex (http://ryanmlayer.wordpress.com/tag/metapost/). -I saw also one post where it was mentione done should add //\setupMPpage[offset=1pt] //(http://www.tug.org/pipermail/pdftex/2001-March/000429.html). I tried, but did not work however...

Any idea how I should do? Find below minimal example, that does not work on my computer when compiling with context...






% Beginning MetaPost graphic

label.top(btex 1.4 etex scaled   1.00, (10, 10));

label.top(btex $\sigma_t$ etex scaled   1.00, (0, 10));

label.top(btex $\displaystyle \frac{\sigma_t}{a}$ etex scaled 1.00, (1, 1));



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