Am 27.05.2011 um 21:08 schrieb Marc Trius:

> No, what is something like:
> ...
> \starttypescript      [Standard]
>      \definetypeface [Standard] [rm] [serif] [frankruehl]       [default] 
> [features=default]
>      \definetypeface [Alt]    [rm] [serif] [frankruehl] [default] 
> [features=alt]
>  \stoptypescript
> ...
> {\Alt This is the first line after a whitespace, this is the linebreak} and 
> this is the rest of the paragraph. I'd like to have a macro that 
> automatically styles the first line only so I don't have to guess at 
> linebreaks every time I edit the text.
> I need to do this because in texts that are written with the Hebrew alphabet, 
> a shorter glyph of the tallest letter, 'lamed,' is used inside a block of 
> text than in a first line, so that the interline space can be smaller. 
> Employing this technique makes the difference between a pretty good and a 
> really first-rate typesetting job :)

Adapt the following to your case:




\TreatFirstLine {\addff{allcaps}} {} {} {}
The Earth, as a habitat for animal life, is in old age and has a fatal illness. 
Several, in fact. It would be happening whether humans had ever evolved or not. 
But our presence is like the effect of an old-age patient who smokes many packs 
of cigarettes per day — and we humans are the cigarettes.



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