Some follow up notes in case anyone else is trying to do something similar

On 13 September 2011 15:30, Felix Ingram <> wrote:
> I've had another stab at converting our Word template to Context. I've
> managed to draw some pretty shapes using MetaPost (and I'd like to add
> my +1 for getting some alpha channel support for linear_shade) and I
> got really close to getting my table headings working.

Re: alpha channels - I'm now using TIKZ for the drawing and so this is
now sorted.

> I would like to have a gradient fill that runs the width of the table
> header. The following shows where I've got to:
> \definecolor[a][r=0.098039,g=0.223529,b=0.52549]
> \definecolor[b][r=0.098039,g=0.654902,b=0.866667]
> \startuniqueMPgraphic{LinearShade}
> path p ;
> p := unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;
> linear_shade(p,5,\MPcolor{a},\MPcolor{b}) ;
> \stopuniqueMPgraphic
> \defineoverlay[shaded][\useMPgraphic{LinearShade}]
> \setupTABLE[row][1][background={shaded},backgroundcolor=blue,foregroundcolor=white]
> \starttext
> \framed[background={shaded}, width=\textwidth, frame=off]{}
> \bTABLEhead
> \bTR \bTH 1 \eTH \bTH 1 \eTH \bTH 1 \eTH \bTH 1 \eTH \bTH Page  \eTH \eTR
> \eTABLEhead
> \bTABLEbody
> \bTR \bTD 1 \eTD \bTD 1 \eTD \bTD 1 \eTD \bTD 1 \eTD \bTD 1     \eTD \eTR
> \eTABLEbody
> \stoptext
> The output shows a framed element which is similar to what I want to
> achieve and the table shows where I've got to. I believe that there
> are only really two options as to how I can get what I want:
> 1. Recalculate the gradient fill for each cell. This will require
> knowing the column width and the ability to change the cell's
> background as appropriate. I have no idea how to do either.
> 2. Draw the framed fill to the width of the table and then position it
> behind the table header (which is actually how it gets done in Word).
> However, I don't know how to determine the table width, or how to
> accurately position the frame.

Still no idea about these - I will probably try to draw something with
tikz and then move it. Still not sure how to determine the table
width, but we only have a few tables and they are fairly constant in
size, so I might just fake it.

> The next problem I have is with section headings. For each section
> heading we are required to include a box that contains some meta
> information.
> This is what I have at the moment:
> \setuphead[section][color=blue, aligntitle=float]
> \definefloat[issueinfo][issueinfos] % Define our fancy boxout
> \setupcaption[issueinfo][location=none] % Define our fancy boxout
> \defineframedtext[issueinfo][]
> \starttext
> \section{My section header}
> \placeissueinfo[right, y=-2cm]{}{
> \startissueinfo[width=4cm]
> Ref: ref-1 \par
> a: Medium \par
> b: low \par
> c: 9.0
> \stopissueinfo
> }
> Short loin shank rump pork belly ball tip pig. Spare ribs shank
> tri-tip capicola strip steak. Frankfurter leberkäse filet mignon
> boudin pork belly. Capicola shankle ribeye, hamburger brisket jerky
> rump short ribs turkey ham hock andouille pork chop chicken tongue
> pork belly. Ball tip tongue corned beef shoulder bresaola. Tri-tip
> turducken salami ground round pork. Rump tenderloin pork loin ham hock
> boudin, meatball venison pastrami prosciutto.
> \stoptext
> I'd like to be able to accurately place the box alongside the title
> itself. Ideally I'd like to draw a line under the section header that
> meets the left side of the box as well, though I'll take what I can
> get at this point.

After some careful reading of the Details manual I have something that
I'm fairly happy with.

\setupcaption[issueinfo][location=none] % Turn off caption
width=4cm, % set the width
frame=on,   % turn on the framw
framecolor=blue,  % colour it
default={inner, height, high, low, none}, % set up padding etc

I then place it with the following:


The movesidefloat shifts it up to where I want it to be. The only
issue is that my section headings would overlap the box if the text
was too long, so I redefined the heading like this:

aligntitle=float, % Redundant I believe, as the next option will
prevent it being required
width=12cm,   % Set the width to something that won't impact our box.
after={{\color[red] \hrule width 125mm \vskip 2em}},

The 'after' settings draw the line that I was looking for and 125mm
just happens to bring it to the edge of the box, so I'm a little

I hope this is useful to someone.

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