On 06.10.2011 16:19, luigi scarso wrote:
On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 4:08 PM, Stefan Müller<warrence....@gmx.de>  wrote:

I think I found a small bug.  The interaction colors interact strangely with
page breaks in certain cases.  See the following example.  I'm using ConTeXt
201110003 12:59 MkIV.


true; just put \page and colors are green

Currently I'm using the colors only while working on my document, I'll turn them off for printing. So that's not really an issue for me. Putting \page doesn't really help. In my actual project file there are two more items in the itemize and the page break is between item 2 and 3.

Kind regards,

\setupitemize[each][n, packed]
\defineenumeration[myenum][text=Enumeration, location=top]

\dorecurse{9}{\input ward \par}

        \item Go to step \in[step].
        \item[step] Step.
Step \in[step] of \in{Enumeration}[enum]. These numbers shouldn't be
red, should they? They are on the new page.
maybe a problem with the MVL

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