Hello ConTeXist,
Just a minute ago I upgraded my standalone version ConTeXt (minimals) to last version. It stopped writing to the table of contents with \writebetweenlist (implemented using a macro \rtitle).
In my latest version of ConTeXt minimals, everything worked OK.
Ii there any problem with expansion ??
What could it be?

Thanx Jaroslav Hajtmar

Here is my "problematic" macro  and error report:
When I delete the rows with "\writebetweenlist" then everything is OK.

\def\rtitle[#1][#2] #3\par{\reference[#2]{#3}%
    \writebetweenlist[#1kap]{\hskip2em {\bf \ref[t][#2]} \hfill \at[#2]}%
    \xtitle[#1] #3\par%

mtx-context | run 1: luatex --fmt="C:/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/c ontext/2448223e6631addb83df348d74153606/formats/cont-en" --lua="C:/context/tex/t
.lui" --backend="pdf" "./dphk" \stoptext
This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.70.1-2012021116 (rev 4277)
 \write18 enabled.

ConTeXt  ver: 2012.02.21 14:02 MKIV  fmt: 2012.2.24  int: english/english

\strc_lists_inject_yes ...tnumber )}\fi \endgroup

<argument> ...t_yes [IIkap][,\c!type =\s!command ]
[\s!command ={\hskip 2em {...
\firstofoneargument #1->#1

\rnadpis ...em {\bf \ref [t][#2]} \hfill \at [#2]}
\writebetweenlist [#1kap]{...


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wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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