Am 17.03.2012 um 09:55 schrieb Malte Stien:

> Hi all,
> I am using some darkgray in my documents, as in
>  \color[darkgray] foo...
> which was working out well as long as I was processing my documents with the 
> 'context' command. I recently started using 'texexec' instead, as in
>  texexec --pdf definitions-acronyms-and-abbreviations.tex
> (which, I understand is preferable) and strangely, all of my darkgray text is 
> now rendered black. Any ideas why the command makes a difference and what to 
> do about it?

The is a big different between the “context” and the “texexec” commands, with 
“context” you use MkIV (LuaTeX) to process your document while “texexec” uses 
MkII (pdfTeX [default] or XeTeX) to produce the PDF. The reason why you don’t 
get colors is that they are disabled in MkII and you have to enable them first 
with \setupcolors[state=start] but for MkIV this has changed and colors are now 
enabled by default.

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