Am 2012-05-28 um 19:27 schrieb Hans Hagen:


might help (you can add [pagenumber] or [+pagenumber] if needed)

Oh, of course, Philipp Gesang recently reminded me.
I would like to use \startpostponing[right], but fixed pages are ok.

This works:


        \input tufte
        \section{More Tufte}
        \input tufte

        \section{Knuth \recurselevel}
        \input knuth


But if I try to put graphics in layers within the postponing, I get empty pages. Further, if I put that postponing stuff into a macro (see below), I get errors about \par ending the buffer. I guess I’d need some unexpanding, but where? Without \def, I get 2 (instead of 3) empty pages, but with page numbers. I need to switch off the pagenumbering for the first two pages (because it’s a transparent page that doesn’t count); it’s probably also a problem fixed-page postponing...

        \page %[right] doesn’t work
\setlayer[bg]{\externalfigure[#1-hg][height=\dimexpr(\paperheight +6mm)]}

Thanks in advance!

Greetlings, Hraban

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