
I've read that when Ctx is to process a XML file, the whole XML tree is loaded 
first and processed as wanted.

I'd need to process a XML file which represents an Excel workbook saved as .xml.

When working in pure Lua, I'm using Expat library 
(http://matthewwild.co.uk/projects/luaexpat/index.html) which allow to create a 
parser with callbacks (e.g. StartElement(), StopElement(), CharacterData()...).

It processes the .xml file on-the-go.

However, this solution cannot be used with Ctx as it causes Ctx to crash.

How to access a XML file loaded and parsed from within Ctx via Lua?

I attach a simple Excel XML (for those who are familiar with Excel and don't 
refuse using it).

As an example, I'd need process the attached .xml into a simple Lua table:

-- return -- Lua table as a result
{ workbooks =
  { [1] = { name = "1",
            -- No more info is necessary so far,
            -- I just need to see the way how to access XML elements
    [2] = { name = "Imp",
    [3] = { name = "Exp",
    [4] = { name = "<Template>",

Could anyone experienced kindly present a way how to get such table from the 
attached Excel XML file?


Best regards,


Ing. Lukáš Procházka [mailto:l...@pontex.cz]
Pontex s. r. o.      [mailto:pon...@pontex.cz] [http://www.pontex.cz]
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