On 8/1/2013 5:59 AM, Matt Gushee wrote:
Thanks, Hans ...

On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Hans Hagen <pra...@wxs.nl> wrote:
On 7/31/2013 10:51 PM, Matt Gushee wrote:

code, so unless there are serious bugs, I want to use the version
included with TexLive. At any rate, that's what I currently have and
am trying to use. But I am running into issues with files not being
found, e.g.:

as a start you could try the distribution from the garden; at least it's a
good way to figure out if there is something fishy with your system

Okay, I've installed that, and it works fine ... though I had a small
glitch along the way that gives me an idea about what the problem may
be with the TeXLive version. More about that below.

in the reported 'tree' files in the cache you can check if files like
context.mkiv are present

They weren't.

mtxrun --variables
mtxrun --expansions

Actually, I had already tried that, but I didn't fully understand the
output. Here's an example:

resolvers       | lists | LUAINPUTS
resolvers       | lists |   env: unset
resolvers       | lists |   var: .;$TEXINPUTS;$TEXMF/scripts/context/lua//
resolvers       | lists |   exp:
resolvers       | lists |   res:

Are the 'selfautoparent' references supposed to be resolved to
specific paths? If so, it certainly appears something was wrong here.

indeed. these prefixes make trees and setups relocatable

so no file database is present or the database has not all files

It was the latter, I suspect due to incorrect path settings in the config file.

does arch-linux use stock texlive or do they adapt it

There are a few, seemingly minor tweaks. There are three patches, all
for luatex:


However, these all seem to deal with small graphics/fonts issues and
have no apparent relationship to finding files. There is also a
customized texmf.cnf, but NOT a customized texmfcnf.lua. I think
that's significant.

ok, so maybe there's a difference there

I said above that I ran into a minor problem when I installed the
Contextgarden package. What happened was that I saw two ../bin
directories: /opt/context/bin and /opt/context/tex/texmf-linux/bin .
At first I thought /opt/context/bin was meant to be used, so I added
both directories to my PATH [/opt/context/bin was first]. But that
produced errors. Then I removed /opt/context/bin from PATH, and
everything was fine. So I think I see what's going on: since many of
the path settings in texmfcnf.lua use 'selfauto*' variables, and
correct resolution of those depends on where the executables are
located. So I suspect that the default config file that comes with
ConTeXt in TeXLive assumes that the executables are ... I'm not sure
where, but somewhere other than /usr/bin . I could probably fix that,
but it would take me a while to figure out the correct values.

the opt/context/bin path is used by the first-setup script (that also does updates) so it should not be in the PATH variable

Anyway, at this point I'm seriously thinking about just forgetting
TeXLive and using the standalone ConTeXt package. I doubt I'll be
using any other TeX packages in the near future, and I'd rather spend
time creating documents than tinkering with config files. Is there
anything in TeXLive that's particularly useful with ConTeXt, that is
not included in the ConTeXt package?

the garden distribution is the most complete (although tex live has complete snapshots and can be updated too) ... the advantage of the garden distribution is that you also get the most relevant fonts installed

if you only use mkiv (luatex) then you can do an initial install with --engine=luatex and you get less files (it must be done when installing so that updating also uses this minimal setting; pdftex has many -small- font files and xetex big binaries)


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
    tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
                                             | www.pragma-pod.nl
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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