On Thu, 24 Oct 2013 23:17:13 +0900
Hans Hagen <pra...@wxs.nl> wrote:

> Hm. The problem is that we get some oscillation (with a few year cycle) 
> between the 'demand' for os fonts support vs tree only (as far as 
> remember os font support was mostly requested by osx users). Anyhow, we 
> can make it an option, but then the question is: what is the default 
> (and who is going to defend that choice to distributers and users).

Users can set OSFONTDIR in their environment if they wish, and this can be 
specified in the wiki. Also, the standalone script can include a (harmless) 
message informing the user of this possibility.

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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