On 3/22/2014 8:17 AM, Otared Kavian wrote:
Hi Sanjoy,

I agree with you to say that the position of subscripts and superscripts in 
mkiv is not perfect: the same remark applies to the position of the derivative 
sign « prime » as $u’(t)$.

Actually in mkii (and also in plain TeX) the positions of the superscripts in 
your example are the same, but this is not the case with subscripts:
        $x_{3}\ x\mathstrut_{3}$
that is in mkii the latter $x\mathstrut_{3}$ gives a lower subscript, while in 
plain TeX both subscripts are positioned at an identical depth.

I would say the position of subscripts and superscripts in mkiv should be 
identical with one gets with the latest beta (version 2014.03.20 16:59) in the 
following example
        $x\mathstrut_{3}$ and $x\mathstrut^{3}$

However as Hans pointed out, regarding maths typesetting in mkiv there are also 
some font related issues.

we have a more modern implementation in the next beta

                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
    tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
                                             | www.pragma-pod.nl
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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