Am 29.07.2014 um 11:58 schrieb Robert Blackstone <>:

> Problem with List of Abbreviations
> Dear all,
> In my list of abbreviations I need different styles for different types of 
> entry. A typical case is titles of journals, of which both the abbreviation 
> and the full name should  be slanted.
> I had it working, albeit with some tricks, with older versions of mkiv, up 
> till 25-01, but with more recent versions things don’t work anymore. 
> Also the setup-commands seem to have been changed: 
> In recent versions the pair:
> definesynonyms[abbreviation][abbreviations][\infull][\inshort]
> \setupabbreviations[textstyle=slanted,synonymstyle=slanted,criterium=all] 
> gives en error message about an undefined control sequence.
> In the following minimal example I have listed what I could find as 
> possibilities. The top three work with older versions. In the bottom three, 
> for the recent mkiv, both textstyle and synonymstyle remain normal.
> In the older versions only the abbreviation could be made slanted the way, 
> but I could make the synonym slanted with {\em entry} , and I still could do 
> that, but this cannot be done with the abbreviation.
> ME:
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> %Ref.:
> %Subject: Command_\abbreviation and \setupsynonyms
> \definealternativestyle[mybold][\emphbf][\emphbf]
> \definealternativestyle[myslant][\emphsl][\emphsl]
> \definesynonyms[abbreviation][abbreviations][\infull][\inshort]
> %These 3 worked partly till january 2014
> %\setupabbreviations[textstyle=myslant,synonymstyle=mybold,criterium=all]
> %\setupabbreviations[textstyle=myslant,synonymstyle=myslant,criterium=all]
> %\setupabbreviations[textstyle=slanted,synonymstyle=slanted,criterium=all]
> %These 3 work partly in recent versions since january 2014
> %\setupsynonyms[abbreviations][textstyle=myslant,synonymstyle=mybold,criterium=all]
> %\setupsynonyms[abbreviations][textstyle=myslant,synonymstyle=myslant,criterium=all]
> %setupsynonyms[abbreviations][textstyle=slanted,synonymstyle=slanted,criterium=all]

You have to use abbreviation (singular form):


> \abbreviation{MT}{The Musical Times}
> \abbreviation{AMw}{Archiv f\"{u}r Musikwissenschaft} 
> \abbreviation{GMO}{Grove Music Online} 
> %this works
> \abbreviation{EM}{\em Early Music}
> %This doesn't
> %\abbreviation{\em EM}{\em Early Music}

Use the optional argument:

\abbreviation[EM]{\em EM}{…}

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