On Feb 16, 2015, at 3:21 PM, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:
> This does not work with :
> labeloffset := 2mm;

On Feb 09, 2015, Hans Hagen wrote:

     path p, q, r ; pair z ;
     p := unitsquare scaled 4cm ;
     z := point 3.6 of p ;
     q := z--urcorner p ;
     r := q -- reverse bottomboundary p -- cycle ;
     draw p ;
     draw q ;
     draw r numberstriped (.25,10,5) withcolor blue ;
     draw thetextext.llft("B", llcorner p) ;
     draw thetextext.lrt ("C", lrcorner p) ;
     draw thetextext.ulft("A", ulcorner p) ;
     draw thetextext.urt ("D", urcorner p) ;
     draw thetextext.lft ("M", z) ;
Hello Fabrice,

labeloffset does not work with Hans’ code above using ‘draw thetextext’ for 
labels. It works with the label macro:

 path p, q, r ; pair z ;
 p := unitsquare scaled 4cm ;
 z := point 3.6 of p ;
 q := z--urcorner p ;
 r := q -- reverse bottomboundary p -- cycle ;
 draw p ;
 draw q ;
 draw r numberstriped (.25,10,5) withcolor blue ;
 labeloffset := 2mm ;
 label.llft("B", llcorner p) ;
 label.lrt ("C", lrcorner p) ;
 label.ulft("A", ulcorner p) ;
 label.urt ("D", urcorner p) ;
 label.lft ("M", z) ;


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