On Sun, 27 Nov 2016, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:

I have the following sample:

   \setupitemize[each][indenting=no, setups=smallwspa]

The setupitemize command does not accept the setups key.

   \input knuth

   \dorecurse{5}{\item this is my item\par
                       second paragraph\par
                       third paragraph

I’m trying to get a \blank[small] separation for paragraphs inside items
and a \blank[medium] separation between items.

I’m afraid that neither the after, inbetween and setups keys are working?

How could I get these different separations for items and for paragraphs
inside them?

Many thanks for your help,

One workaround is to abuse the option key.

\setvalue{\??itemgroupkeyword SmallWhiteSpace}{\setups{smallwhitespace}}

\setupitemize[option=SmallWhiteSpace, indenting=no, inbetween={\blank[1cm]}]

\input knuth

\dorecurse{5}{\item this is my item\par
                    second paragraph\par
                    third paragraph

@Hans: Could you add a setups key to \startitemgroup? One could abuse the before key, but that is not always executed.

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