On 8/1/2017 9:12 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
On 08/01/2017 04:27 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 7/31/2017 7:16 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
Would it be possible to have a new \typebufferinline that behaves such
as \type above (and has the same options in \setuptype)?

The most important part isn’t the suppression of line breaks inside, but
avoiding the addition of line breaks after and before the typed buffer.

I have been reading buff-ver.mkiv, but I’m afraid I cannot contribute
such a patch.

This is essential to have \xmlprettyprintinline and
\xmlprettyprintinlinetext in order to handle inline code in XML.

foo \bar{crap}


Many thanks for your reply, Hans.

I’m afraid this isn’t what I was looking for.

i'll make \xmlinlineprettyprinttext but there is where this madness stops

As shown in the following sample, I need \xmlprettyprinttext for code
inside a paragraph, not building its own paragraph.

     <p>I can use colored code blocks:</p>
     <div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode tex"><code
class="sourceCode latex"><span class="fu">\starttext</span>
     <span class="fu">\ConTeXt\ </span>is awesome!
     <span class="fu">\stoptext</span></code></pre></div>
     <p>But I’m afraid I cannot use <code class="sourceCode latex"><span
class="fu">\xmlprettyprinttext</span></code> inline.</p>

     \startxmlsetups xml:initialize


     \startxmlsetups xml:doc

     \startxmlsetups xml:p

     \startxmlsetups xml:pre:code

     \startxmlsetups xml:code


     \subject{Dealing with XML}


     \subject{In standard \ConTeXt}


     I can use colored code blocks:

     \ConTeXt\ is awesome!

     But I'm afraid I cannot use \type{\xmlprettyprinttext} inline.

Many thanks for your help,



                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
       tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl
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