On 9/5/2017 6:33 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:

after updating to latest beta (from 2017.09.05 15:10) to enjoy the new
none method in the scite buffers, I have the following sample:

     \setupindenting[yes, always, big]
     | \ConTeXt\ \ConteXt \par


     \letterbar a \sciteinlinebuffer[typebuffer]. b

And I’m experiencing the following issues:

1. "|" breaks compilation when method is set to "none".

i'll look at it later

2. "\sciteinlinebuffer" adds always an extra blank space after it.

3. Method "none" treats spaces as linebreaks and removes "\".

4. \setuptyping and \setuptype don’t work with the scite buffers.
well, it's a different (basically unrelated) mechanism that kicks in ... one can't have it all


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
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       tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl
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