On 11/27/2018 05:38, mf wrote:
In my setup, i have an index of names:


The indexing of names can be toggled with a mode: --mode=AddNames

The setup is something like this:


I noticed that \Name[key]{term} adds some space, leading to a different typesetting of the paragraph in rare cases (especially in a paragraph full of names).

Can \Name[key]{term} add some space, or should i look for a different bug in my setup?

Sorry, no MWE; i tried, but i could not reproduce the problem in a minimal example.

This has been a long-standing issue with registers in straight (non-XML) code. I always follow a \index{} with a % to avoid it. I suspect that will help here as well, splitting onto two lines, as


or perhaps


Have you tried this?

(I cannot construct an MWE at this point either.)


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