On 12/9/19 10:02 AM, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:
Is it possible to use the eofill extension in this code ? I tried without
success. Thank you.

No, eofill is basically just a frontend for the PDF primitive eofill,
which works on a single connected path that intersects itself.

If that wasn't enough, the numberstriped instruction does not return a
path but a picture and pictures are immutable.


    path carre, disque;

    carre = fullsquare scaled 200;
    disque = fullcircle scaled 200;

    draw carre numberstriped (.25,15,5) withcolor \MPcolor{magenta};
    fill disque withcolor white;

    draw carre  withcolor \MPcolor{orange};
    draw disque  withcolor \MPcolor{orange};

    path a[];
    a1 = origin -- point 3.5 of carre;

    interim ahangle := 30;
    drawdblarrow a1 withpen pencircle scaled 1.5pt withcolor darkred;
    label.top("$R$", point 1/2 of a1);

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If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
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