I am in METAPOST which is inside TeX and I’d like (in METAPOST, not in TeX) to 
let a string follow a path. Adapting from the MetaFun manual around page 250, I 
tried this:


pic p;
p := textext("\startuseMPgraphic[instance=doublefun]{followtokens}path RotPath 
; RotPath := fullcircle ;\stopuseMPgraphic\followtokens{I am creating a line of 
text here}");
draw pic;


But that does not work. Is there a way I can from within my METAPOST code get  
string (TeX code) to follow a path I have? In my case, I cannot escape outside 
the \startMPpage- -\stopMPpage environment, as the actual path is constructed 
there and the text following the path should be on that page.

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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